Because of isolation and curfew during the Covid-19 pandemic. individual domestic dialects are emerging across the UK.
People using popular internet video and voice call apps to catch up are finding themselves unable to make sense of family and friends, and in some cases colleagues working from home as words evolve in isolation, with reported cases of up to 52 different words for dinner on one street alone, including “tinner”, “dun”, “kafka”, “dainer”, “doiner”, and “patricia”.
It is making communication harder for those venturing out also, to shop for essential supplies, working in front line services, or film crews making Tesco adverts.
Pendants revolt
The perception of incorrect spelling and grammar has caused untold distress among pedants who are compelled to correct others, but head of words at the Collins English Dictionary, Dr Theo Saurus, said, “Dickenries, (as we call them in Oxford), are a lexicographical record, not an instruction manual and should be wiped down with an antibacterial solution before passing on to elderly relatives.”
Luckily, in all but serious cases thick domestic dialects go by undetected due to 2 metre social distance guidelines, including screens and masks, that are making it far harder to hear anyone regardless, even if they can get that close.